Boosting Your Immune System with these 10 Immune Booster Super foods

Elements like proteins, organs, tissues, and cells make up our body’s immune system which then serves a key role in streamlining bodily functions and battling against infection-causing foreign elements and pathogens in the body. Upon encountering a pathogen, our immune system prompts a response. The immunity we are born with gives off antibodies whose main role is to destroy pathogens by attaching themselves to the antigens present on the pathogens.
Our immunity becomes feeble when we catch a disease. However, a slight moderation in your lifestyle and food choices can help the immune system to stay strong and continue doing what is meant for; fighting off chronic diseases, viruses, infections, and germs.
Here’s presenting a list of superfoods that contribute towards a healthy immune system. Incorporate these foods into your diet plan and succeed in improving your immune system.
10 Immune-Boosting Superfoods That Can Change Your Life
1. Citrus Fruits Helps in Building Your Damaged Immune System
Citrus fruits like kiwi, oranges, lemons, etc are loaded with vitamin C and play a key role in building our body’s immune system. The vitamin C present in abundance inside the citrus fruits is helpful in white blood cell production. White blood cells are again an imperative element that combats infections.
Some of the citrus fruits that you can have daily if you wish to improve your body’s immune are:
- Limes
- Lemon
- Grapes
- Oranges
Vitamin C is neither produced nor stored inside our body, however, it is a crucial element that it requires for the healthy functioning of the systems. Adding at least one citrus fruit to your diet can help you to stock up on vitamin C.
2. Garlic is An Amazing Immunity System Booster Food
You will come across garlic in almost all the dishes worldwide. It is one of those superfoods that are packed with multiple beneficial properties including reducing high blood pressure and bringing down artery hardening. Allicin or the sulphur-containing compounds present in the garlic release the immunity-strengthening characteristics. Garlic is also known to add zinc to every food that it is added to, hence making it beneficial for your health.
3. Feeling Sick? Ginger to Your Saviour
Ginger is one of those common names that pop up in our minds, every time someone falls ill. Ginger has earned a great reputation globally for being enriched with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Not only helpful in curing your sore-throat but ginger can also help you fight all types of inflammatory diseases.
4. Broccoli Is the Best Vegetable Available for Immune System
Broccoli is one of those veggies that are rich in both vitamins and minerals. The vegetable is powered with vitamins A, C and E followed by fibre and antioxidants. Broccoli is the healthiest of all vegetables that helps in improving your weak immune system.
5. Spinach Improves Your Immunity Like No Other
Spinach is known for its amazing health benefits and for being rich in vitamins C and E, flavonoids, antioxidants, nutrients followed by Beta carotene which in turn is responsible for strengthening the infection-combating feature of immunity. Spinach just like broccoli is one of the best vegetables that you can have.
6. Almonds Paves Way for a Good Immune System
Rich in vitamin E, almonds are also the best source of fibre, magnesium, and manganese. No wonder, why this dry fruit is credited for repairing your immune system and maintaining its good health. When it comes to keeping away from cold and flu, vitamin E is the only element that can help your body to fight it off like a champion after vitamin c, of course.
7. Turmeric is Rich in Immune-Boosting Properties
Turmeric is characterized by vibrant yellow colour and it is one of the main ingredients that Indians use to whip up their dishes. Curcumin, a compound, found in turmeric is what boosts your immune system. Turmeric also works miracles for people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
8. Yogurt Aids in Immune System Regulation
Yogurt is one of the finest sources of Vitamin D which in turn is responsible for keeping your immune system in good condition. Yogurt also helps in powering the natural defined mechanism of the body, so it can fight off diseases properly.
9. Papaya is Great for Your Overall Health
Papaya flaunts abundant vitamin C and is dripping with papain which is a kind of enzyme. This particular enzyme releases an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Furthermore, there are more reasons to add papaya to your diet plan, as it is filled with sufficient doses of folate, potassium, and vitamin B, all of which contribute towards a healthy system.
10. Dark Chocolate Does More Than Making You Feel Good
Dark chocolate to your oblivion includes theobromine, an antioxidant that has been seen to level up our immune system by safeguarding the cells present in the body from the free radicals. Free radicals are released by the body when during its process of breaking down found and upon encountering pollutants. Free radicals are responsible for damaging the body cells and resulting in diseases.
Superfoods contributing to strengthening the power of your immune system must be including your diet as they can help you live disease-free, besides keeping your overall health. Enjoying a healthy and balanced life is no longer difficult if you can add these superfoods to your everyday meal. So, choose your foods wisely and nothing can stop you from living a happy life.
Disclaimer: The information on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care or advice. Contact a health expert if you have questions about your health.
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